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Center for Mitochondrial Medicine

Research Lecture Series

Dr. Jun-ichi Abe

Unmasking the Culprits: How Senescent Cells Wreak Havoc in Cancer and Vascular Diseases

 23 May 2024 (12:00-1:30)
Location: ALTC 3.301 3rd Floor

You are cordially invited to the Center for Mitochondrial Medicine Research Lecture Series at UT Health San Antonio.

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you to attend a captivating presentation hosted by the Center for Mitochondrial Medicine featuring Dr. Jun-ichi Abe.

Dr. Jun-ichi Abe is a distinguished Professor of Medicine specializing in cardiology, with a profound focus on the intricate intersections of cardiovascular diseases and oncology, particularly in the context of cardio-oncology. Having earned his MD from the University of Yamagata and a PhD in Medicine/Cardiology from the University of Tokyo, Dr. Abe has dedicated over three decades to pioneering research in cardiovascular pathophysiology.

His research primarily explores the molecular mechanisms underlying atherosclerosis and cardiac dysfunction, with particular emphasis on oxidative stress, post-translational modifications, and their impacts on cardiovascular health under various stress conditions, including diabetic and oncological treatments. Dr. Abe’s groundbreaking work includes elucidating the roles of p90RSK in ERK5 phosphorylation and SUMOylation in endothelial cell activation, significantly advancing the understanding of cardiovascular complications in HIV-positive populations and cancer survivors.

Currently, Dr. Abe leads several high-impact projects focusing on premature aging, metabolic influences on atherosclerosis, and the mitigation of radiation-induced cardiovascular diseases. His extensive publication record and contributions to the field are reflected in his roles in prestigious editorial and review committees, including serving as the Specialty Chief Editor for the Cardio-Oncology section of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine and as a member of various NIH research peer review committees.

Dr. Abe’s career is decorated with numerous honors, including the AHA Established Investigator Award and the Circulation Research Extraordinary Reviewer Award, underscoring his exceptional contributions to medical research and his commitment to improving patient outcomes in the intersecting realms of cardiovascular disease and cancer therapy.

Please RSVP at to secure your place at this not-to-be-missed event and allow us to gain an accurate head count for food and drinks.

We look forward to welcoming you and joining together in a shared pursuit of scientific discovery and innovation.

CMM Events

Mitochondria in Health and Disease

(La Frontera Event)


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    UT Health San Antonio

    Center for Mitochondrial Medicine

    Welcome from the Director!

    The Center for Mitochondrial Medicine (CMM) endeavors to disentangle enigmatic features of mitochondrial disease and be the tip of the spear in effective therapeutic developments and discovery.

    Madesh Muniswamy, MS, PhD
    Director, Center for Mitochondrial Medicine